Ivan Crico e Rossano Bertolo a Baltimora
"The silver thread: a contemporary daguerrotype"
Il 7 Novembre a Baltimora
(Maryland) presentazione in anteprima del nuovo lavoro di Rossano Bertolo e
Ivan Crico: "The silver thread". Alla presenza di alcuni tra i
maggiori studiosi americani del settore, verrà esposto per la prima volta un lavoro
in cui l'intervento pittorico artistico diretto e l'antica tecnica del
dagherrotipo si fondono, sulla lastra di rame argentata, per creare un'opera
unica nel suo genere.
The work "The silver
thread", wants to revisit, in contemporary key , the ancient custom of
coloring daguerreotypes with the pigments. No longer a mere embellishment, but
a dialogue between different languages, pictorial and photographic. The
Sutratma in the Tibetan tradition, the silver thread of life that connects the
self spiritual, to the physical body, also here a connection between two
different sides - and yet intimately connected - realities. For represent the
passage into another dimension, the painted image refers to an old photograph
taken with a Japanese "ama" diver, which is descending into the
depths of the sea linked to a thread, but in a reversed way, heading toward an
reversed abyss.
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